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Неофициальные игры Обсуждение дружеских поединков, совместных тренировок и других игр по правилам ARMS, организованных вне сюжета.
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Старый 19.08.2010, 21:44   #1
Лейтенант ARMS
Аватар для SuffiX
Регистрация: 15.02.2008
Сообщений: 5 793
SuffiX на пути к лучшему
изображений: 75
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Получено наград:
За безупречную службу (1-я степень): Выдается бойцам ОА, прослужившим не менее 2-х лет и не имеющим взысканий за посещения, невыполнение приказов и др. Ветеран ОА (1-я степень): Выдается бойцам основного состава, сержантам и офицерам ОА, прослужившим не менее 3-х лет. За безупречную службу (2-я степень): Выдается бойцам ОА, прослужившим не менее года и не имеющим взысканий за посещения, невыполнение приказов и др. За безупречную службу (3-я степень): Выдается бойцам ОА, прослужившим не менее полу года и не имеющим взысканий за посещения, невыполнение приказов и др. 
Всего наград: 7

Hello everyone,

This year Romania will host its first International Mil-Sim event, organized by several teams (Draconis, Core, Ursuletii, AA, Sfintii) that usually enjoy playing together mil-sim and LARP orientated games. Among us there are several persons who already organized at least one national event before (Blood for Oil, Kill Borris I, Operation Shareholder).

The event will take place between 2-5 September as follows:
- on 2 september (thursday) there will be the check-in (all day long up until 21:00), there will be a military style meal in the evening (21:30)
- on 3 september (friday) it is game day, in the evening there will be a military style meal in the evening
- on 4 september (saturday) it is game day, in the evening there will be a beer/sayonara party with barbeque & others
- on 5 september it is check out day

The location chosen for this event is a mountainous area with ruff terrain here and there, woods, swamps, dirt roads and mud, so the terrain configuration will be a challenge itself. The length of the terrain is quite big, from the most Southern base to the most Northern base there are 1.3 Km in straight line - that would make it about 2Km of real walking through woods and over hills. The bases have light and medium man made fortifications with observation towers in each of them. We will use offroad trucks, army trucks, atv's, 1:1 airsoft funtional artilery and pyrotechnics. The terrain and missions type will allow for real sniper tactics, will give the oportunity for SAW to be used as it should, will impose the use of good quality recon and observation missions and overall will offer an unique experience for any Mil-Sim airsoft player!

The event will be limited to maximum 180 players, which will be accomodated inside cabans or tents provided by the organizers and it has an admission fee of 25 EUR. The money are used in order to provide accomodation, 3 evening meals (2 military style and one sayonara party), part of the necesarry water supply, faction arm bands, specialized personel arm bands, whissles for each player, printed maps for each player, banners, sign posts, field markings, demarcation tape, etc.

Registrations for the event already started.

The english website for this event can be found here:
The forum is located here:

We welcome you to join us and hope to meet at least some of your players at this event !
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