1- Plate Carrier LBT 6094 цвет AOR-1 /AOR-2 / multicam....
2- вес пустого, без подсумков и кевлара 1.8кг. +-
3- вес с кевларом и 4-мя пластинами до 7/8кг в зависимости от комплектации
4- Level IV на выбор пользователя т.е. комплектуется, как боковыми так и стандартными (2 ESAPI и 2 ESBI)плитами. Имеет отделения для кевларовых пакетов по периметру бронежилета
Modular Level IV Plate Carrier
LBT-6094-Level IV
• Modular web attachment points on entire carrier profile provides
maximum versatility
• Front, back, and side plate pockets
• Quick release tabs on bottom for front and back plate
• Cummerbund for gear stowage and side body armor (6”x6” or
6”x8” hard plates and soft body armor – not included) with
concealed rear bungee adjustment
• Dual interior side radio pouches with retention.
• Adjustable shoulder straps with removable wrap-around pads
• Cable, antenna and hydration hose guides
• Extra heavy duty reinforced drag handle
• Centered front Kangaroo pocket provides quick access to maps,
critical gear and mags (will accept LBT-2645A)
• Interior loop attachment points for shoulder or collar soft armor
• Separate sleeves for soft armor package, hard armor package
and CASS
• MIL-Spec stitching standards, Type E thread
• Weight: 3.1 lbs.
** Armor plates not included**
LBT-6094A - Fits small and medium plates
LBT-6094B - Fits large plates
LBT-6094C - Fits extra large plates
* Available in Standard and Swimmers Cut Plates
** Level III-A FRAG soft armor packages available
Please contact your LBT sales representative for information